Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Person

Ok, so I'm sure by now you all think I'm one bitter bitch. The truth is I'm really not - I'm actually quite a happy person. Sometimes I just need to vent about things that annoy me. Anyway, to prove my point, this post is about my best friend Molly. God, where do I start? I guess the beginning is always a good place....

I met Molly in the Fall of 1999. We were both in 4th grade and had just moved to Findlay (ick). I remember the day she moved in - I look out the window, across the street and thought "Yes! They must have kids!" because they had a shit ton of bikes. The funny part is I don't actually remember meeting Molly (I met her sister, Emily, first). However, for a good while our families were the only ones in the neighborhood with kids, so naturally we quickly became friends. The neighborhood was in its early stages of development, so we were constantly playing in dirt, weeds, foundations, and the skeletons of new houses. Molly, Emily, their brother Robbie, Me, and my sister Erin would spend endless hours playing on a huge pile of dirt that we called "the hill." We would explore all day, then at night we would play capture the flag in their yard (this was when I could actually run).

As we got older, things changed. Some days we loved each other and some days we hated each other. I remember one time she told me she didn't want to play with me anymore because she thought I was a drama queen. I was devastated. Oh the struggles of an 11 year old. In 6th grade she told the boy I liked (Justing) that I wanted him to be my boyfriend. Oh boy, did I ever hate her that day. Turns out he felt the same, so I guess I should've thanked her. There were a couple years in the middle school era that we kind of did our own thing, but once high school rolled around, we were like two peas in a pod again. For those four years, our lockers happened to be right next to each other. Before we could drive, her mom would video tape us getting on the bus on the first day of school. Once I got my license, we got in trouble because I drove her home when I wasn't supposed to. We read the Harry Potter books at the same time. We would race to Aaron Craft's locker everyday when he was a freshman (I always won). I had my first kiss in her basement. We had so many inside jokes that I could write a novel (including one ridiculous handshake). We were both involved in all kinds of activities and had different groups of friends, but our relationship always stayed constant.

Then came that fateful day when Molly was accepted to OSU and I decided to go to UC. We spent the summer going to Archies, La Cha's, and driving around in my car rocking out with the windows down. When the fall of freshman year rolled around, it was weird not being with her. We went from being across the street to two hours away. It was the farthest we had ever lived apart. That year was a little rough, but once I had my car the following year, I was at OSU every other weekend. Some of the best memories I've ever made were on Pennsylvania Avenue.

That pretty much brings us up to now. We both have jobs and school so it's more difficult to see one another. But we text and call, and now we can skype. She is always the person I seek advice from. She never judges me and always make me feel better when I'm upset. The best part about our friendship is that we don't have to talk everyday. Even if we didn't talk for two weeks, she would still be there, ready to pick up where we left off. Unfortunately, I'm dreading the upcoming Spring because she'll be choosing where she wants to go to grad school, and this Fall she'll be leaving me. If she goes to th eschool of her choice, she'll be somewhere on the East Coast....and I'll be here. I know that this is just a part of growing up and there may be years in our adulthood that I don't see her at all. But I know that someday when I'm 90 years old, my children have grown, and my husband has passed, she'll be there. She always has been. She is my sister. She is my person. I love you Molls:)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god! You only used profanity once and it was NOT the f-word!!! Fantastic!
